Monday, September 17, 2012

Complaining Defeats Your Home Business Effort.

The power of life and death are in the tongue.

I come from a long line of "tell it like it is people". Whether it is right or wrong we say what we think about anything at anytime. I can hear you saying, "Why is that so bad?" The focus.

When was the last time somebody was "keeping it real" about something positive. Or they was "being one hundred" about your success? Anyway. I am finding that as i complain about my situations i am only focusing on how bad  things are. The negative talk is not uplifting my mind towards my victorious living. I make the decision to transition from complaining to edifying.

Now I have heard this before. I'm quite sure you have too. I didn't heed the advice. Until now. This is called double mindedness. I'm saying one thing on one side of my face. I'm going to be great in this business. But at the same time I'm talking something on the other side of my face. I'm broke, Nothing is working out for me. My success in my home based business has to be rooted in the idea of "i can do this. I can be successful at building an income with blogging." I need the can do mindset. I have the have a success-filled mentality. The negative has to become illegal to my mind. I'm checking every way that i back talk my dream. It doesn't matter what it is. Whether it is about my children, my job, my surroundings, I must over look the problem to the solution.

Changing my talk helps change my mind. Of course, I am listening to positive millionaire mentors. I have pinned up positive posters around my house. I meditate on scripture and keep my heart open to the Father. All in the purpose of changing mind. But there was something missing. My heart condition is lacking. Out of the heart the mouth speaks. So what is in my heart? Fear, discontentment, and even a little jealousy, as well as other stuff. I now address my heart. My negative feelings are being retrained with positive self talk. I say, "your are feeling jealous right now, why?" Once the answer comes I address it with affirmations. The steps I am making everyday are leading to my desires.  Then I list my blessing and thank God for them.

A positive inner environment is the foundation to my success. I purpose to cultivate it on purpose. I am an achiever. I get what I want. I cannot be stopped.

Thanks for reading,
See you in Barbados

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