Saturday, August 25, 2012

The First Seed to Success

Today while listening to an audio book by Napoleon Hill, I was given my first seed.

I have been told that if you want to change your habits, profession, or anything in life that is not or no longer producing the results you want, you have to change your mind. You have to obtain the mindset that will give the mental support for the skill-set required. For me I picked up a book about the skill set I;m trying to learn.

In this case I want the knowledge that will help me transition from failure and poverty to success and wealthiness. Back to the audio book. So I'm listening, right.? and Mr. Hill is talking about  a key to success... Enthusiasm. As he's going on about how I need to enthusiastic, how to use it, and how to cultivate it. He was very thorough. So there came a part where the panel of all of our modern day philosophers get a chance to speak. Mr. Brian Tracey (sorry if I spelled your name wrong Mr. Tracey) begins to speak. He had a lot of good, no scratch that, great points. Now one point in particular really struck a cord with me. He said, "Make a decision". Wow! That is my 1st seed. Up to this point I have been living one day at time. I've been taking things in stride dealing with things as it comes. I've been letting life pass me by.

I have been making choices thinking that I am engaged in my life. No that's not it. We all make choices and do every day, every minute.We make choices like to lay in the bed or get up, to eat that bagel or the doughnut. What I learned is, choices are not decisions. Choices, as I see it now, are the tool needed to support your decision. . Decisions, again as I see it now, are the absolute, the big picture. Next are goals (milestones, markers). Goals let you know how close or how far you are into the fulfillment of the big picture.  And choices are the day to day adjustments needed to be made in getting to your milestone.

I had no big picture. I had a want, a wish, but no solid decision. I needed that "Ima get that or Ima do this" No definitive, no vision. Where there's no vision the people perish. If I want to stop perishing I have to make a decision. I must develop a vision.

Once I make a decision, I have to talk it. I have to practice it. I have to pray over it and war over it. Praise God for it  day after day after day. And I must do it until it is natural to me. What has to be natural? Taking control of my own mind and directing it in harmony with my fulfillment of my purpose.

Seed # 1, Make a Decision. Decide today that your going to live on purpose.

Thanks for reading
See you in Barbados

Click Here to see the tools I'm using to get me to my financial goals.

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