Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Intro: Why I Started Blogging.

We are holding onto a hope in our heats and a prayer on our lips. Heavenly Father, "HELP!!" in the name of Jesus, amen.

Due to a series of unfortunate events, bad decisions, and just plain hard headedness, my family and I are in crises. We find ourselves facing an uncertain future. We are in the middle of falling to rock bottom. While on this downward plunge I cannot help but look up toward the opening of the cavern we so happily jumped into and notice the Light amid the Darkness that is enveloping us.

The Darkness taunts and torments my mind. It reminds me of all my mistakes and failures. It ridicules and mocks me as it throws my fears in my face. But in contrast, the Light speaks to my heart. It whispers to my very spirit and says,"this too shall pass". It reminds me that,"nothing is impossible if you believe". As I allow the Light to engulf me I forget about the Darkness. The Light revels that its thoughts of me are of good and not evil to give me a hope and a future.

I remember that The Father thinks good thoughts of me and that I have a God-given birthright. God's good thoughts of me give me a hope and a future. What are His good thoughts of me? And what is this hope and future it produces? I must find out.

I have thoughts (more like wishes) of retiring early to the island of Barbados. I have dreams of traveling the world spreading the message of Jesus and salvation. I, like many others, fantasize of building a business and working from home, providing for my family with ease, and having nice cars and fancy clothes. But is that the hope and future of my destiny? Is that the purpose of my life?  Will pursuing such things fulfill the core of my being?

I don't know. Does it really matter when your family is facing hardships and uncertainty? Maybe. Maybe not. All I do know is I have promises from the Light. Nothing is impossible if you believe, I have a hope and a future, and this too shall pass.  I want better then this. I'm already as low as I'm willing to get. So I must muster up the faith to believe that I can have and do it all. There is only one thing I can say............

Barbados, Here I Come!

Thanks for reading and check out how I'm planning to retire early. My Plan for Barbados.

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  1. Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy the journey with me. Please leave me a message, comment, give advice, or encouragement.

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